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Student clubs

Data Science Club

Run by: Yurii Ratushniak


Data Science Club enables students to:

1. Gain practical experience in employing data science methods and tools, as well as process big data.

2. Create a portfolio of projects related to data science (including statistics, classification, clustering, machine learning, data mining, predictive analytics, etc.).

3. Enhance students’ programming skills.

4. Work with databases and cloud technologies

4. Participate in competitions.

Data Science Club meetings accompany the entire students’ learning process at the university and harmoniously complement classroom training and annual project work.


What does the club program involve?

Our current focus is providing students with the opportunity to acquire practical skills in data processing as well as assimilate and extend their knowledge gained at practical lessons in Data Science.


Are students supposed to do home assignments?

Certainly. Every week students receive tasks or small projects with real data that they are required to complete. In particular, club members get completely free access to DataCamp resources and to some Coursera courses that are in free access. Most students are highly motivated, so they eagerly complete all tasks.


What skills do students acquire?

Students broaden their basic skills acquired at the university. In particular, there are skills in programming, statistics, data transformation, visualization, cloud computing, machine learning methods, etc.

What do online classes look like?

Students are engaged in various activities. They look at some specific theoretical topics, discuss them, and analyze examples. They can also seek a solution to a problem using real data; they learn to choose the optimal solution from several options, etc. Alternatively, students can prepare reports on important aspects of the subject area. For instance, medical data analysis is of great significance nowadays, so students has recently deepened their knowledge of CT scans and MRI images.

Additionally, students write regular expressions. They try to work out what is more efficient—to perform an operation on the list elements in a loop or with the help of the map function.

They take a closer look at context managers and decorators. Students try to diagnose heart failure based on images. They explore the database of LEGO constructors and many other challenging tasks. The learning process is accompanied by jokes and a good mood:)



Public Speaking Studio

Run by: Antonina Paletska-Yukalo


The Public Speaking Studio provides students with the opportunity to become speakers who want to be listened to over and over again. An extraordinary number of components build up the mosaic nature of a performance, where an incorrect posture or executing one of the components can lead to a classic domino effect. From this follows the importance of focusing on every components of a successful speech and their step-by-step practice.

The Public Speaking Studio provides exercises and techniques that help to understand how the synergy of ethics, psychology, linguistics, sociolinguistics, and marketing works in practice. Each class is dedicated to a particular aspect that brings you closer to quality public speaking and even perfect impromptu speech. One of the most important stages of each class is practice:

• Practice on your own (+ self-assessment)

• Practice in front of your friends (+ words of encouragement and valuable sincere advice)

• Practice in front of your colleagues, experts (+ constructive advice on how to improve your performance)

An important point is to giving advice and expressing criticism. After all, in order to understand or express them correctly, you need to take into account clearly established criteria. And it is this taxonomy of speech evaluation criteria that will show the speaker what they need to work on, what their weak points are, and why they are not yet able to be on top, engaging the audience, building up and maintaining tension.


Club features

• We use methods and techniques for increasing vocabulary, thus making memory our superpower.

• We study life hacks, the main secrets of speech structuring.

• We apply effective techniques of famous speakers in practice, modifying them according to our own content.

• Storytelling and an emotional component, working with questions, jokes, impromptu speeches, the power of paradox, lexical richness are an integral part of the course.


A key advantage of the club is the unlimited number of classes and topics, because the sky's the limit. The techniques and tasks at every meeting vary, new goals are set, new challenges are faced. With every class students’ readiness to speak in front of a large audience, to speak in a foreign language is increasing significantly. It is impressive how skillfully students use the learned techniques and thereby create their own and unique style of foreign language speaking skills.


Emotional Intelligence Club

Run by: Oksana Kalinska.

List of topics:

• The concept of the emotional sphere. Types of feelings and emotions, characteristics of feelings and emotions. Defining feelings and emotions, their signs and chracteristics. Understanding emotions in a narrow and broad context. The main differences between emotions and feelings. The functional role of emotions and feelings in human life: the importance of emotions from the point of view of evolution; functions of emotions; the role of emotions in cognitive processes and creativity.


• Psychophysiological bases of emotions and feelings. Feelings and emotions classifications: by organization level; by sign (or colour); by their impact on life; depending on the needs and goals of an activity. Characteristics of certain types of fundamental emotions (interest, joy, surprise, anger, disgust, contempt, fear, shame, sadness, guilt). Predictors of emotions. Impressive and expressive components of emotional response. Hatred, envy. Mimic patterns of emotions expression (Non-verbal component of emotional intelligence). Characteristics of certain types of feelings. Intellectual emotions (interest, surprise).


• Age and gender peculiarities of the emotional sphere of a personality. Sex differences in emotional intelligence. Neurobiological basis of emotional intelligence (functional brain asymmetry, temperament characteristics, cognitive abilities). Social prerequisites for emotional intelligence formation (conditions for family socialization, personal attitudes, personal activity, religiosity, peculiarities of sexual education, gender roles). Age peculiarities in developing emotional intelligence. Gender differences in intrapersonal emotional intelligence. Gender differences in interpersonal emotional intelligence: "female" emotions (feminine), "male" emotions (masculine), privacy factor in emotions expression, the phenomenon of male gender role stress. Love. 6 factors of love according to R. Huttiss. Pessimistic and optimistic theories of love. Types of love: B-love (being love) and D-love (deficiency love) according to A. Maslow, pseudo-love (Z. Freud), neurotic, sentimental, and toxic love. Infatuation. Love addiction. Jealousy. Happiness. Love as a complex feeling.


• Emotional intelligence: dealing with stress and adaptability. Emotional states. Perceptual component of emotional intelligence. Mood. Passion. Ecstasy. Affect. Concept of physiological and pathological affect. Inspiration. Anxiety. Apathy. Frustration. Aggression. Depression. The phenomenon of emotional burnout. Empathy (classical, automatic, formal, empathic anger, limited (devalued) forms of empathy). Stress: signs and types of stress, stages of stress, criteria for stress resistance and ways to overcome stress. Addictive and deviant behavior (chemical: psychoactive substances, alcohol, drugs, etc.; non-chemical: gambling (gaming addiction), workaholism, urgent behavior, computer addiction, sexual and love addiction, Internet addiction, and food addiction). Stress management.


• Individual differences in emotions expression. Psychology of violation. Managing emotions (reflection and activation). Emotion management strategies and techniques. Destructive phenomena. Psychology of violation. Willpower functions. Stages of the volitional act: goal setting, motives struggle decision making, implementing a decision. Regulatory component of emotional intelligence. Psychological mechanisms of volitional regulation: self-determination, self-initiation, self-inhibition, self-control, self-mobilization and self-stimulation. Emotional thesaurus, emotional ambivalence, emotional dullness, alexithymia.


• Emotional intelligence as a vital resource. Emotional competence. Defining emotional intelligence as an "ability model". Seven myths about emotional intelligence. Correlation between emotional intelligence and emotional competence, emotional thinking, emotional giftedness, emotional creativity, and social intelligence. Emotional competence as a life resource: emotional response. Emotions and perception. Emotions and cognitive processes. Emotions and consciousness. Emotions and activity. Emotions and motivation. Emotions and character. Emotions and communication. Emotions and behavior. Emotions and health. Functions of emotions (Adaptive. Mobilizing. Motivational. Persuasive. Informational. Regulatory). Self-assessment of emotional competence. Factors influencing emotional competence. Portrait of an emotionally intelligent person.


• Scientific approaches to understanding emotional intelligence. Mayer-Salovey-Caruso model. Daniel Goleman’s model. Reuven  Bar-On's mixed model of emotional intelligence. Lucin's model. Laws of emotions (The laws of emotion by Nico H. Frijda). The structure of emotional intelligence (intrapersonal emotional intelligence, interpersonal emotional intelligence); components of emotional intelligence (understanding your own emotions, understanding the emotions of others, managing your own emotions, managing the emotions of others), components of emotional intelligence.


• Strategies for developing emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence of a leader.

The rational component of emotional intelligence (understanding of emotions). Regulatory component of emotional intelligence (emotion management).

The role of emotional intelligence in achieving success (academic success, career success and successful communication). The relationship between emotional intelligence and maturity. Emotional intelligence of a leader. The concept of emotional creativity, emotional competence. Taking into account "The Laws of Emotions" (N. Fridja) when developing strategies for enhancing emotional intelligence. Self-motivation. Inspiration. Optimism. Basic emotion management strategies (expression control, anger management, fear management, melancholy management).

Managing the emotions of others (in the context of personal influence, from the perspective of energy interaction). Emotional abuse. Modern technologies for developing of emotional intelligence. Methods of developing emotional intelligence (play, art therapy, psychogymnastics, behavioral therapy).


English Club

Run by: Oksana Dovbush

English Club Objectives:

• Practice using English in a relaxed and friendly setting

• Allow opportunity for students to express opinions and debate issues, and thereby encourage critical thinking

• Enable students to discuss topics that are meaningful to them and connect their knowledge to the language

• Increase fluency, reduce accents, and build confidence to think and speak English

• Develop the interest and love for the English language through interesting activities

• Create safe, nurturing, and supportive environment where students can immerse themselves in English

• Offer members the chance to use English and join a group of like-minded individuals interested in pursuing a common goal

• Offer possibilities for its members can take ownership of the club. Thus, enable students to be as adventurous—or playful and creative—or serious as they wish

English Club Activities

• Communication and board games

• Discussions

• Pronunciation activities

• Debates

• Story-telling

• Role-plays

• Film and TV series viewings

• Drama

• Learning English through music

• Vocabulary and grammar games

• Club parties