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Наукові проекти, подані в 2024 році на конкурси:


Managing Risks of Hybrid Threats to Critical Infrastructures; COST, EU

The MaRHTI project, titled "Managing Risks of Hybrid Threats to Critical Infrastructures" aims to enhance the protection of critical infrastructures (CIs) against hybrid threats by centralizing knowledge, fostering collaboration, and preparing for future advancements in the field. The project addresses key challenges posed by hybrid threats, which involve cyber-attacks, misinformation, and sabotage, by developing a comprehensive understanding and risk assessment methodologies.

The MaRHTI project is structured around several working groups focusing on different aspects of hybrid threat management, such as creating an open analytic hub, cybersecurity and AI, risk and resilience, situational awareness and decision-making, and dissemination and roadmap development.

Overall, the project aims to strengthen the resilience of Europe's critical infrastructures against evolving hybrid threats through a multidisciplinary and collaborative approach, addressing existing gaps and positioning itself as a leader in enhancing infrastructure resilience.

Робота в межах формування консорціумів та подання наукових проєктів на конкурси:

В процесі створення творчий колектив та готується на конкурс дослідницький проєкт в складі міжнародного консорціуму під керуванням дослідницької групи університету Бундесверу (Мюнхен, Німеччина) в межах програми NATO “Science for Peace and Security (SPS)” за темою “Developing Quantum-Enabled Defense Mechanisms Against Hybrid Threats”.